Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

We had a great time this year and only had 39 eating at mom's house for lunch. On the day after we went to the Fantasy of Trees to listen one of our great nieces sing with our church choir. Then we got a treat by decorating our own cookies.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Have You SEEN our granddaughter?

Here is another 3D picture showing her cute little body. I hope you can see her little leg, and her tiny little arm. In this picture she is 6 months old and three months from delivery. The doctor told them she was going to be a big baby. She must be going to take after her grandmother, Cindy. By the way she is going to be born in another country, and the custom of that country is for her first name is to be chosen by the parents, which is Kaylee. Her middle name is to be the same as the first name of the daddy, which is Gary. Her third name is to be the first name of the father's, father, which is Gary. That means her name on her birth certificate will read, Kaylee, Gary, Gary!!

Have you heard we are having a granddaughter?

We have a grand daughter due January 29, 2007. Here is a 3D ultrasound picture of her. Isn't she a beauty? Really, though isn't this the coolest thing you have ever seen? I hope you can see her little face and her hand in front of her face. We will get to see her in March of 2007.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Play Time on the deck

Here is the new water feature for our deck and instead of hearing relaxing sounds of water falling. As you can see we got to enjoy the laughter and smiles of the Reagan and Ayden filling it up with water and then playing in it.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Bahama & Key West Cruise

Here is the boat we had a great time on and the friends we went on the cruise with. The boat was the Carnival cruise lines boat called the Celebration. We had an awesome time for the week we had on the boat from Jacksonville, Florida. We then sailed to Key West Florida, and then went snorkeling in the Bahama's.

Finished Deck

Here is the finished product of the new two level deck. The view at night is even better because of the landscape lights.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Some friends and family recently went on a African Safari and they took this picture of a very close giraffee. I mean he was close wasn't he? I am still here in Powell, TN while my friends and family are traveling around the world.

More nieces and a Nephew

Here are two more nieces with a new nephew that was born in September of 2005. On the left we have Rebecca Summerall, and then we have Sarah Summerall holding the baby boy, Camden Christian. They all live in South Carolina.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Almost done deck!

Well, we are getting closer, as you can see the floor is down and the side fencing is done and we have to do now is the next lower level, and some fancy lighting. I can hardly wait!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The House with New Siding & Windows

Here is the house since we had some work done to it and some of the flowers have finally bloomed. We had new siding, gutters, shingles, and windows. Say it looks good!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Nephew & Niece from Knoxville

Here is Ayden at 18 months old and we let him come over anytime he wants and pretty much let him have anything he wants.
The girl is Reagan, and she comes and goes as she pleases and spends the night sometimes for a slumber party. She thinks that I am the greatest Uncle, at least that's what she tells me

It's Granny

Well that's what we call her but it is really my mom, Mary L Smith, she graduated from Powell High school as well, many, many years earlier, like 1949.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Work on the deck out back

What started out as a little repair job from a fallen branch, turned into a major overhaul of the entire deck, someday it will look like a deck again, HOPEFULLY!

Winter at the House

Here we are in February 2006, we were expected to have snow flurries and some cold winter north breezes. It turned out to be a few inches of snow but it was no problems on the road.

Family Photo

Here is Eric, Cindy, Gary, Lady Vol, Phil, and his wife Rebecca.